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Excel Lockers commits to minimising environmental impact

Excel Lockers commits to minimising environmental impact
November 16, 2017

Leading high quality locker and storage equipment manufacturer Excel Lockers has announced an impressive company policy which aims to minimise the company’s impact on the environment.

The company has recently installed state-of-the-art solar panelling on the roof of its warehouse facility in Brisbane while also provided visitors to its company website with a link to live reports detailing the energy that the installation is saving.

Excel Lockers Managing Director Tony Downes explains that that the installation and the transparency of the reporting is a crucial part of the company’s understanding of its moral obligations to the environment.

Downes states “Excel Lockers has always understood that our company has moral, legal and continuing obligations to limit our impact on the environment.

“With regards to our products for instance we have always been committed to helping our clients extend their lifespan or to help them responsibly disassemble, recycle or dispose of them at the end of their useful life.

“In addition, over the years our business has constantly grown and so have our electricity bills … so we decided it was about time we did something about it and opted to install solar panels. This has also allowed us to do our bit for the environment.”

A link on the company website takes the visitor to live reports that detail the CO2 emissions saved along with details such as the equivalent number of trees that could effectively be planted as a result of the savings.

Downes also highlights other avenues that the company is taking to lessen its impact on the environment, adding “we are a Brisbane based company from where we manufacture wooden lockers and seating systems which we distribute nationwide (while) our small factories in Melbourne and Sydney are used for the purposes of storage before installation of the manufactured product in these cities.

“We also distribute metal lockers sourced from overseas producers.

“Our Environmental Management System applies primarily to the manufacturing operations we carry out in Brisbane with our transport and installation operations also in mind.

“As our small factories in Melbourne and Sydney are directly under our control and management, they comply with this policy in all respects.”

Excel Lockers’ management and staff aim to implement an Environmental Management System that documents the steps taken to minimise the impact on the environment by adhering to objectives and targets to minimise the company’s environmental footprint, by initiatives such the installation of LED lighting throughout the factory and investigation into solar power (renewable energy) at its manufacturing premises.

This is also seeing the company work with staff and other stakeholders, and where possible, suppliers who have a similar and transparent commitment to the environment through pollution prevention practices in our manufacturing processes.

This includes, but is not limited to improvements in our Waste Disposal systems for toxic products. Downes concludes “our aim is that our practices are not only in compliance with legal and other requirements but are a role model for others to follow.”

Excel Locker’s CO2 emissions can be viewed at

Excel Lockers National Sales Manager John Lupton can be contacted on 0408 886 346 .

Click here to contact Excel Lockers through their entry in Australasian Leisure Management Supplier Directory.

Image: Excel Lockers' Brisbane base.